When is time to update your website
When is time to update your website
Does your website feels old, uninspired or just not cool? Are you avoiding to make updates to your pages, due to a lack of time, inspiration or technical expertise?
Well, then, it’s time to forget about excuses and start updating your website!
In today’s digital generation, websites must be more than static stationaries that show the same information day in and day out. Your users are expecting an engaging, dynamic presence, and the easiest way to convey this feeling to them is to update your content and use social networks. From an SEO perspective, regular site changes are very important, as the major search engines value and prefer to reward websites that feature new and relevant content.
You don’t need to do complete website redesign every month to keep things fresh and interesting. Instead, consider the following strategies for ways to update your stale website without a significant investment of time or energy:
Tip #1 – Add a blog
Blogs are great from both a reader and an SEO standpoint. When you install and regularly update your company’s blog, readers come back again and again to see what new information you’ve posted. The search engines also reward your site, as the inclusion of more content naturally creates more opportunities to get picked up for different keyword-specific search results pages.
Tip #2 – Revise your “About” page
Most companies slap together a generic “About” page – only to realize later on that it isn’t connecting with readers in a meaningful way. If you find yourself in this position, don’t worry. It’s easy to update your “About” page in order to make this content fresher and more engaging for viewers.
To revise this all-important page, start with the “5 Ws”:
Who are you?
What do you do?
When did you open for business?
Where are you located?
How are you achieving your business’s aims?
It’s a simple framework, for sure. But by following these guidelines, you’ll create the kind of punchy “About” page that both answers readers most pertinent questions and encourages them to dive more deeply into your other content.
Tip #3 – Add a new special to your home page
Want a quick and easy way to freshen up your website’s content? Simply post a new special on your home page! For example, you could:
Offer a special discount on shipping costs to new customers
Give away free product samples with purchases over a certain dollar amount
Provide discounts in exchange for referrals to your business
Your website visitors are always looking to get the best possible deal they can. Adding any of the different specials described above to your home page both captures their attention and helps them to believe that their getting great value by working with you.
Tip #4 – Feature a new product or service
Similarly, showcasing a new product or service on your website connects with readers in the same way as featuring a home page special. Most shoppers like to believe that they’re on the cutting edge – that they’re “early adopters” who try new things before others. Featuring new products or services on your home page appeals to this instinct, while also putting different offerings in front of your regular readers’ eyes.
You don’t even have to launch a new product or service to take advantage of this effect. If you offer a product or service that doesn’t generate many sales, giving it a spotlight on your website’s home page can help to freshen the look of your site while also raising the impact of underperforming offerings.
Are you interested in updating your website?
Psynapsis.net is a Software & Web Development Agency that provides a wide range of services for all size of companies, for more information give us a call now to (808) 728-8464 or click here to contact us